
RNA Editing

Posted by Yajin on January 20, 2021


RNA Editing


VCF文件全全称variant call format,每一列的含义如下 1.CHROM: The name of the sequence (typically a chromosome) on which the variation is being called. This sequence is usually known as ‘the reference sequence’, i.e. the sequence against which the given sample varies. 2.POS: The 1-based position of the variation on the given sequence. 3.ID: The identifier of the variation, e.g. a dbSNP rs identifier, or if unknown a “.”. Multiple identifiers should be separated by semi-colons without white-space. 4.REF: The reference base (or bases in the case of an indel) at the given position on the given reference sequence. 5.ALT: The list of alternative alleles at this position. 6.QUAL: A quality score associated with the inference of the given alleles. 7.FILTER: A flag indicating which of a given set of filters the variation has passed. 8.INFO: An extensible list of key-value pairs (fields) describing the variation.


Figure 1